Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pregnancy Reading

As soon as I found out a little baby was on the way I of course started perusing Pinterest for all the different links related to pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and baby's first year. I also wanted to get some good books to read to try to prepare me as much as one possibly can.  

I picked out a couple of books that were recommended to me from friends or from other blogs that I follow and I was gifted a few. 

All of these books were great reads and I would also recommend them to any mother-to-be. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Pregnancy Journey Part III

On Tuesday June 16th at 10 am I had the first application of the inducing gel. They said if it didn't take effect in 6 hours I would need a second application. The hours passed on by and there was little to no effect and so at 4pm I had the second application. By the time Luca was able to come to the hospital after work around 7:30 pm the gel was definitely having its effect. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

My Pregnancy Journey Part II

After switching from being followed by a private gynecologist to being followed by an obstetrician at the birthing center I felt better about my pregnancy. It was a relief to not have to go in about twice a month and have to wait over an hour to see the doctor. I could call the obstetrician when I needed and our appointments were based only on what was necessary. 

As the months progressed and my belly grew I had to make the proper arrangements for when baby was due. We signed up for a prenatal course. I looked around at the prenatal courses offered at various hospitals and the course offered through the public health care system and in the end we opted for the one at the birthing center, not because I was being followed there, but because it was for couples and involved the father.

By April/May I felt like my belly was quite big (even though I was really quite small) and it was taking me always a little bit longer to walk to work and eventually I ended up taking the bus. I didn't like taking the bus because people should technically offer their seat to you but they never did.  Once I was sitting in the "special" seats for the elderly, handicapped, and pregnant women and an elderly lady came and pointed to the sign and gestured for me to move, and I responded by saying, "oh I'm pregnant, but there's an open seat down there I can go sit there" and it ended in a very awkward "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see, no, no, no stay where you are" and eventually another person offered their seat to the elderly woman. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

My Pregnancy Journey - Part I

Every pregnancy is a journey and has a story of it's own and a first time pregnancy comes with an added touch of anticipation and excitement of something never experienced before.  

Luca and I discovered that we were expecting our first child right before Halloween. I went to the closest grocery store to buy my second pregnancy test. I was nervous and excited. The first time I went to buy a pregnancy test I bought a 2-pack and didn't looking at the packaging carefully. It was a huge disappointment when I got home and went to take the test and realized that it had already been opened and one of the tests had been stolen. So the second time I double-checked the packaging. 

It was a surreal feeling taking the test and hoping for a positive result and then seeing those two lines slowly appear. After the first test being negative I had just expected that also the second one would be too. 
At a halloween party after discovering a little baby
was growing inside 
So after rejoicing in the good news we had to figure out how to proceed. What do we need to do? Who do we need to call? What appointments need to be made?
