Our honeymoon came to an end with four relaxing days on the archipelago, Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha. It is a beautiful, small island, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with what are claimed to be the best beaches in Brazil, and we agree!
Since the island is an archipelago site, there are many rules and restrictions, one being that only 460 visitors can be on the island at a time because of the fragile ecosystem. After we arrived in our small plane with quite a bumpy ride, we had to pay a large environmental tax, which increases by the number of days you stay. We paid around $100 for 4 days.
The first day, we thought that we could get by for the next few days without a dune buggy, the most common mean of transportation on the island. That was a mistake- the island was much bigger than we had anticipated, and spent a good time walking along the coast. However we were able to visit many beaches we wouldn't have seen otherwise. And in the end we rented an old dune buggy.
The island offers many activities like scuba diving, snorkeling, and boat trips. We took a boat trip that toured the entire coast of the island, stopped for snorkeling, and we saw hundreds of dolphins! We also went snorkeling with a guide who showed us turtles over 100 years old, lobsters, and all sorts of tropical fish.
These four days were very relaxing and fun, however despite the beauty, it is very expensive. Everything must be imported and so it was difficult not eat for less an $20 a meal a person. It was also possible that a restaurant wouldn't have half the items on the menu because they hadn't arrived yet.
This was the perfect way to end our honeymoon!